Carving a successful career at The Candidate requires an understanding that the candidate is King. After all, that’s what we’re called and what we’ve focussed on over the last 7 years to ensure that our service is second to none. As a recent addition to the team, Chloe Connett gives her thoughts on what makes a successful placement and how we can support candidates throughout their developing marketing careers.



Where we are different is that we focus on candidates and putting them first. We understand that looking for a new job can be daunting and that there are so many different things to consider that make it quite overwhelming and stressful. This, for example, may lead to you taking a position without clear consideration. There is a high number of candidates we speak to that have rushed into a decision or that have taken a role that wasn’t fully explained to them. When working with us, knowing we prioritise our candidates, we can explain all aspects of the role and business and help with making that end decision. We have plenty of roles, so can present a healthy range of opportunities.

The candidate is front of mind for the whole of the process. We ensure the initial conversation is at a time to suit the candidate, outside of work hours if necessary. We get to grips here to understand what the candidate is currently doing, what they want for their next role and even more importantly what they don’t want. Understanding these is what makes our job easier, we know exactly what the candidate is capable of and know if they fit for the client or not.

We need to meet our candidates, take them for a coffee, beer or lunch. This allows the candidate to speak openly and gives them the chance to see that we are fully invested in finding them a job. This also helps when we are presenting the candidate to the client, we can discus not only their skill set but also their personality and how they will fit in culturally within the business.

Maintaining the relationship with candidate and checking in with them every few days just after starting is crucial to the relationship’s long term development, ensuring that they are settled in the role we put them forward to. I want my candidates to connect with me on LinkedIn and to follow me on Twitter @TheCandidateCC. They know that they have my number and can message / call at whatever time of day or night. The aftercare of a candidate is just as important as the initial meeting. Just because the candidate has been hired doesn’t mean we forget about them, we want the candidate to know that we are available or on hand after the job has been placed. We’re here throughout your developing career.

An effective and positive candidate relationship leads to important candidate insight and the relationship will form itself, in turn leading to more successful placements. This all makes a happy client, a happier candidate and a successful placement for me, the consultant. Job done.

If you'd like our fantastic team to help you with your job hunt, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0161 833 1044 or email your CV to [email protected] – we look forward to hearing from you!

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